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Riccardo Mori's Essential iOS Apps

Riccardo Mori » My essential iOS apps — Part 1: “This article may disappoint some people. It doesn’t want to be an in-depth guide to ‘The 30 best iOS apps you must have on your iPhone or iPad’. It’s not going to be another piece along the lines of ‘The best iOS apps introduced in 2013″ or ‘iOS apps that everybody must have’. Instead I wanted to focus on a selection of apps that have proven to be indispensable to me over the years, making this article more akin to a retrospective of sorts rather than a review of ‘what’s hot in the App Store now’. Perhaps you’ll find something useful among my ramblings.”

(Via Riccardo Mori.)

Special thanks to Riccardo, as x2y got a special mention in Part 3 of this series.

Lists like this always intrigue me, for the same reason seeing pictures of people’s “1st and 20” iPhone home screens intrigue me. I love to see how others use technology. The things we have in common, the things that we do differently. I often learn a lot, and sometimes I get a tip on an app or two that I hadn’t yet discovered.

There are some really great apps on Riccardo’s list.