daring fireball

Henceforth, it shall be known as "Gruber's Guess"

> Now that the iPad is out, though, I don’t expect to see new hardware revisions pre-announced — at least not by more than a handful of weeks. Overall, I think the iPad fits most naturally into the same schedule as the iPods: where new hardware is announced and ships in September. The iPad was [a massive hit](http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2011/01/18results.html) during this past holiday season. > > I don’t think April is a particularly good month for an annual iPad release. I don’t…

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Daring Fireball Linked List: 'I Wish Microsoft Had Their Evil Genius Back' - My Take

His chart comparing Microsoft’s stock price under Bill Gates vs. Ballmer is devastating. How much longer can Ballmer last? Is the problem that Gates doesn’t want to return? That Gates doesn’t want to concede that it was a terrible error to hand the company to Ballmer? That he doesn’t want to fire his friend? via daringfireball.net I have a theory: It’s not that Gates is afraid to fire his old friend. I think he expected Microsoft to falter after he left. I think that’…

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