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Making Videos at 360iDev this August

I wasn’t going to submit a topic to 360iDev this year. I’ve been having so much fun just sitting in sessions as a spectator for the last few conferences I’ve attended. No pressure. No preparation necessary. I thought maybe I could take a break and let others do the talking a little longer.

But then I remembered that I like to contribute to the community in this way, and I remembered how much fun I’ve had the past two years speaking to this amazing audience. So I thought about it some more and came up with a new idea that I think will be an enlightening talk. Something quite different from anything I’ve done before.

This year, I’ll be talking about making marketing videos and App Previews for apps. This is a subject I’ve covered here on the blog before, and it was one of my most popular series of posts yet. I thought it might be cool to take what I’ve learned over the past couple of years making these videos for myself and for Bombing Brain, and try and pack it all into a simple 40-minute demonstration of the entire process, from start to finish.

This won’t be merely a theoretical discussion with Keynote slides; I plan on getting my hands dirty and actually building a video during the talk. Because I want to demonstrate that videos of very decent quality are achievable on a very small budget and with a reasonable commitment of time. My goal is to have you leaving this talk confident that you can also create good videos for your own products.

This fall, when Apple allows us to post App Previews[1] of our apps directly on our App Store pages, it’ll be more important than ever to have these skills under our belts as indies. Otherwise, a big-budget VC-backed competitor will steal all of our customers with ease. You owe it to yourself and your products to make the most of your shelf space on the App Store.

It should be a fun session. Hope you can join me in Denver this August.

  1. Some of the editorial details are still unknown for App Previews, but I do plan on covering what we do know so far, and the skills you learn for making full-blown marketing videos on your web site will certainly apply to App Previews as well.  ↩