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Some Airlines No Longer Boarding Kids First

United Airlines ends coach preboarding for children – “Kate Hanni of calls the move ‘very anti-family.’
‘There are very few things a parent can count on when it comes to air travel these days, but one of those things was always the ability to board first to get your children settled in and all of their needs met before the throngs of people board the plane,’ said Hanni in an e-mail to CNN. ‘I hope United changes their mind.'”

(Via cnn travel.)

Here’s a better idea than making parents board with their kids along with the rest of us. How about one flight a day that’s “adults only”? I know I’d go out of my way to get on that one. I’d go to a different city, even, if a no-kids flight was an option.

I love the arrogance of a parent like this woman who thinks that her kids’ “needs” outweigh the needs of literally hundreds of other passengers. We should all stand around and wait until her kids are comfortable? You have to be kidding me.

I’m not saying parents shouldn’t be able to fly with their kids. I’m certainly not “anti-family.” I just don’t think that having a kid makes you special or entitles you inconvenience everyone else.

I’ve always assumed letting the parents strap their kids in first was time-saving. I thought it made the boarding process more efficient. Clearly, some airlines have crunched the numbers and determined otherwise.

So if scrapping this old policy helps us all get off the ground faster, than that’s the right thing to do. Period.