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Rob Griffiths Perfectly Expresses my Views on Browser-based Applications

> The browser is a wonderful invention—for browsing the Web. It’s a terrible replacement for a well-written standalone application.
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Great read about everything that’s wrong with Google Docs. While some of the interface stuff is obviously Google’s fault (designed by engineers with PhDs, as opposed to designers), the bigger issue is the premise of building an application to run in a browser in the first place. It’s great to be able to get your email or edit a doc when in a fix, but ultimately, a true desktop app is going to beat any web app every time. Even Apple’s web apps for Mobile Me, which are infinitely better than Google’s in the interface and design department, are weak in feature comparison and ease of use.

The Internet is about the information. The data. Google puts far too much emphasis on the browser itself, which I believe will continue to be de-emphasized as time goes on by small, targeted applications built for a very specific purpose on newer, more portable devices.